Useful Information for Better Health from the Western Maryland Health System

Friday, November 17, 2017

Healthier Holidays

This holiday season, keep in mind what is on your plate. For a healthier lifestyle, it is important to practice portion control, make healthier options, and stay active. While it’s easier said than done, traditional holiday foods can be exchanged for their lower calorie and highly nutritious doppelganger.

These helpful tips will be heart healthy and increase vitamins and minerals:

·      Whole wheat/ whole grain stuffing instead of white bread stuffing
·      Mashed sweet potatoes or mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes
·      Cook with olive oil instead of butter
·      Bake the turkey instead of frying
·      Roast green beans in the oven with your favorite spices instead of making a casserole with cream

The most important thing to remember this holiday season is to make veggies the center of attention. The website encourages us to make half our plate vegetables. Vegetables contain dietary fiber, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes, type 2-diabetes, and some cancers. Choosing a variety of vegetables increases the assortment of nutrients like vitamin A, C, and folate. Increasing the color of your plate increases the range of nutrients provided.

This holiday season, enjoy increasing overall health and tasting the rainbow. ​

Submitted by Mikaela Schmeider, B.S., Aramark Dietetic Intern