Useful Information for Better Health from the Western Maryland Health System

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Easy, Smart Snacks to Satisfy After-School Hunger

When your hungry student comes home after school ready to devour the kitchen, be prepared with healthy snacks.  Snacks are an important part of the day to help kids get needed nutrients to grow and maintain a healthy weight and taking time to sit down and snack together provides a wonderful time to discuss the day.  

Most kids don’t eat enough veggies and fruit, so take advantage of after-school hunger and have cut up fruit and veggies in clear dishes or baggies at eye level in the ‘fridge. You will be surprised how quickly these are selected when ready to eat in grab and go containers.

Combine high fiber foods with protein rich foods for satisfying snacks. Here are some simple, quick ideas:

Raw veggies and hummus
Cottage cheese and fruit
Easy pizzas, made from English muffin or pita topped with pizza or tomato
           sauce, mozzarella cheese and mushrooms, onions and peppers
Low-sugar, high-fiber cereal with milk
Homemade trail mix made with cereal, nuts, and dried fruit, such as  
           Cheerios or whole grain Chex, peanuts and raisins or dried cranberries
Fresh fruit with Greek yogurt
Apples with peanut or almond butter
Fresh fruit smoothies made with 1 cup frozen fruit, ½ cup Greek yogurt
           and ½ cup milk of your choice

Try this juicy watermelon cooler for a refreshing, nutritious and delicious treat! Serve with easy pizzas or nut butter on whole grain toast.

Watermelon Cooler

1 cup crushed ice
1 cup seedless watermelon cubes
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

Blend all ingredients in blender.  Pour into 2 cups and garnish with a fresh squeezed lime wedge.

Visit for more healthy nutrition ideas and recipes. Or for eating tips for kids and teens, visit  Designed to help parents meet nutrition needs, shop smart, cook and eat healthfully, the Kids Eat Right website provides parents with practical tips, articles, videos and recipes from registered dietitians.  

Another great website for families is  Registered dietitians Liz Weiss and Janice Newell Bissex, the meal makeover moms, share lots of great nutrition tips, recipes and videos.  And check out their fantastic book, No Whine with Dinner.

For more nutrition information contact Theresa Stahl, RDN, LDN, Outpatient Community Dietitian at 240-964-8416 or