Useful Information for Better Health from the Western Maryland Health System

Friday, July 26, 2013

Exciting News – Smart Moves: A Youth Wellness Program is Coming!

Have you heard that baby boomers may outlive their children due to the rising obesity rates?  This startling research was reported by the University of Michigan in 2010 and it showed that the younger generation may live shorter lives and be in poorer health in comparison to their parents. What a wake-up call!
I am excited to report that help is on the way for our community’s children and youth between the ages of 8-12 years old.  Smart Moves: A Youth Wellness Program is being sponsored in collaboration with numerous community partners, including the Western Maryland Health System, that are part of the Make Healthy Choices Easy Committee.
Smart Moves is an evidence-based, non-diet, family approach to weight management for children ages 8-12 years old.  It is a fun, 12 week program that includes three parts:

1.    nutrition education
2.    behavior modification
3.    exercise 
We are looking for participants to attend our first screening on August 12 who will then participate in our first program which begins September 9.  If you are interested, please call 240-964-8424 or 240-964-8626.

- Theresa Stahl, RD, LDN